Pelvic floor rehabilitation exercises are designed to normalize the pelvic floor muscles.

They are effective for women who show symptoms related to muscle dysfunction, such as urinary and fecal incontinence, and pelvic prolapse. These exercises can be done alone, with a physiotherapist, in a group or with the help of a book or DVD.

What are pelvic floor muscles?

Pelvic floor muscles consist of three layers of muscle that close the base of the pelvis. Stretching like a hammock between the pubis and coccyx, these muscles play a key role in the control of urine, gas and stool. They also help support viscera such as the uterus and bladder, and are essential reach orgasm in women.

A strong and toned pelvic floor that has endurance and coordination helps:

  • Support the pelvic organs (bladder, uterus and rectum).

  • Compress the urethra during physical effort and suppress the urge to urinate, thereby preventing leaks of urine, gas and stool.


Want to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles? Download an overview of a pelvic floor exercise program here: